Farm Vehicle Health Checks
Machinery on farms can be dangerous to users as well as it’s surrounding environment if it’s not looked after properly. Agricultural motor vehicles and trailers are subject to the provisions of the H&S and are covered by the Health & Safety at Work Act (HASAWA). Just because they are not subject to the usual MOT requirements of other road going vehicles it doesn’t mean that the safety of them is any less regulated and good housekeeping principles should be employed.
Check each day:
- Flashing/warning lights
- Mirrors
- Wipers and windscreen visibility
- Tyre condition & wheel fixings
- Effectiveness of brakes & handbrake
- Fluid levels – water/oil/brake fluid
- Correct operation of safety guards
- All vehicle lights
- Correct attachment/coupling of implements/accessories
- Machinery is clean and free from dust build ups, particularly during warm & dry weather conditions
Regulations state machinery must be regularly checked & maintained in a good state of repair and efficient state & working order. This specifically relates to the health & safety parts of all machinery, particularly PTO’s & their guards, brakes, hydraulic hoses etc. Maintenance logs must be kept up to date and regular service intervals as required by the manufacturer must also be carried out and documented.
To avoid harvest machinery fires you can make these pre-harvest checks: Pre-harvest machinery checks