Severe Weather Guidance

If your property has been flooded:

  • If your property is damaged, please contact your local broker in the first instance; alternatively you’ll find the full contact details of how to make a claim, or for enquiries about existing claims here contact Claims
  • Out of hours – for reporting of an urgent claim you can call the McLarens ‘out of hours’ helpline on 0330 024 9955. This service is available to all FarmWeb policyholders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  More info can be obtained by clicking here.
  • Please be assured that we will do all that we can to progress claims as quickly as possible.
  • Here are some hints and tips for dealing with Flood and Storm damage.
  • If you need to move to alternative accommodation because your property is flooded, the cost is normally covered under your insurance policy, but please check this when speaking to your broker.
  • Where possible, take photographs of the damage to your building and contents (or film it); this may help with the settlement of your claim.
  • Don’t throw away possessions without first discussing it with your broker, as the items will need to be assessed.
  • Do not use electrical equipment or the gas supply until it has been checked by a qualified tradesman.
  • If your property is at risk of flooding:
  • Establish an evacuation plan for your family. This will reduce the risk of injury to your loved ones and give you more time to save items of sentimental and material value.
  • Only if it is safe to do so, check to ensure any drains and gutters are clear of debris so rainfall can drain from your property effectively – do not put anyone at risk of injury by carrying out these checks.
  • Place valuable and electrical items in high cupboards or take them upstairs to reduce the impact of any flood damage.
  • Ensure outdoor furniture and other items likely to float away are safely restrained to reduce the risk of these items causing secondary damage or being lost.
  • While it is safe to use electrical equipment, keep up-to-date with the latest weather and flood warnings by monitoring local television and radio services.
  • Store important documents, including insurance policy details and useful contact numbers, in a watertight bag in a dry accessible place, preferably upstairs.
  • Make a list of useful numbers you may need – your insurer, your local council, the emergency services and the number of Floodline: 0845 988 1188.
  • Buy and fit air brick covers and flood boards to block doorways.

If your property has been damaged by storm:

  • Get in touch with your broker as soon as possible or contact Claims
  • Out of hours – for reporting of an urgent claim you can call the McLarens ‘out of hours’ helpline on 0330 024 9955. This service is available to all FarmWeb policyholders 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  More info can be obtained by clicking here.
  • Take photographs of all parts of the home damaged as a result of storms. It may help with the settlement of claims.
  • Use a plastic sheet or tarpaulin to temporarily repair storm-damaged roofs. However, personal safety is paramount and if it is not safe to do so, do not attempt even temporary repairs.
  • Damage to garage and shed doors are also common claims. Keep these closed and locked when not in use. This will not only prevent the wind blowing them off the hinges, it is good practice to keep your property secure to avoid an opportunist burglary.
  • Under Buildings insurance, storm damage generally excludes damage to gates, fences and some policies will also exclude hedges. Walls that have fence panels inserted are usually covered, though the fence panel itself would still be excluded – please check when speaking to your broker.
  • Emergency Glazing & Security Assistance Helpline – 0845 300 6173 
    Lines open: 24-hours, 7 days per week
  • Flood warnings: